If you feel there are multiple causes and issues in your life or that there is a big problem, like a severe disease, I suggest choosing 5 sessions of Quantum Energy Healings. Your challenges might be health related, but can also have to do with money, career or relationships. Per session we go into 1 issue/problem that you want to have solved. And after each session you will feel the release of what your body has been holding on to, until then.
What to expect from my online healing?
In the first session I always need extra time to connect with you and of course talk with you about what the reason is for having booked the healing. That’s why the first one takes about one hour, and the other two session will take around 30 minutes.
My goal per session is finding what caused/triggered the issue/problem. Because by determening the why, the energy that you have been holding on to, is already starting the process of releasing. And the healing that will follow right after we talked, will clear the rest. Knowing what the cause was will also help your mind/body to prevend it from going back to a state of dis-ease. And ofcourse one cause/event that happened in the past, can be responsible for multiple issues. Chances are that one session can heal more than one issue.
After a session your body is healed. Sometimes the mind takes longer. That is why it also good to have multiple sessions, so you are certain that it stays gone OR to tackle it once more and then working extra on your mind, so it woill not go back into the state of dis-ease.
After booking, I will get in touch with you (WhatsApp or Telegram) within 24 hours, to schedule a date and time that suits us both. And I will send you a confirmation with the link to the videocall.
(ZOOM is an app you can install on your smartphone, tablet or laptop)
PS Even though I know and learned REIKI and there are similarities, my approach is different from what you might know. I am honest and direct. If you do not want to be triggered, please find someone else to help you.
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